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Friday, August 17, 2012

Day 229: Epiphany Crafts Shape Studio Tool

I purchased the Epiphany Crafts Shape Studio Tool and Bubble Caps on clearance at my local Hobby Lobby because I was interested in being able to make my own cute little embellishments. I have lots of punches, so just on the chance I had one the same size as the Bubble Caps I purchased (clear round 14), I pulled out my circle punches.  A 1/2" circle punch makes the perfect size to fit the size 14 Bubble Caps.  Therefore, I will keep the Bubble Caps and return the Shape Studio Tool. Basically it is just a punch that puts the Bubble Cap on top of your image and punches it out at the same time.  If you flip your circle punch upside down, you can select what part of the image will be punched out, and it is very easy to put the Bubble Cap on the image yourself. There are some other shapes in this line that it might be worthwhile to purchase the Studio Tool for, like hearts and ovals, because there is no guarantee that the dimensions of the Bubble Caps would be a perfect fit for punches you have at home already.  You could do as I did and buy the Studio Tool and the Bubble Caps in the shape you want, check your punches, and if you are lucky, maybe they will match up and you can return the Studio Tool to the store.  (Just remember to hold on to your receipt and return it within the store's specified time frame for returns!)

Cute embellishments made from scraps of paper

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