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Monday, September 17, 2012

Day 258: Precious Moments Journaling

Today I punched out some paper hearts to use as a background for my journaling.  I wanted to tell a bit of the story about my husband's grandmother encouraging us to go to Precious Moments, and I needed to fill in some empty spaces on the page.  I chose the hearts because they represent love and I used three on a side to symbolize the three of us. I wrote down the verse from 1 Samuel 18:3 on the page about the chapel because Precious Moments was originally named Jonathan and David, and I wanted to remember that.

I wrote the verse from Ephesians 5:31 on our wedding page. It seemed like it fit with the verse about Johnathan and David, because they loved each other as they loved themselves, and isn't that what a husband and wife do, as well?

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